There’s nothing like a good book to provide you with a few words of wisdom, especially as it relates to your work life. No matter what phase of your career you’re in, here are eight books that are guaranteed to help you level up your career.
How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job
by Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith
If you need to identify and break the habits that are holding you back, look no further than How Women Rise by author, speaker, and leadership coach, Sally Helgesen, and American leadership coach, Marshall Goldsmith. Through their years of expertise, they’ve helped women reach greater heights in their careers by knowing their unique strengths and identifying common behaviors that prevent them from rising to the next level, like reluctance to claim achievements, building rather than leveraging relationships, the desire to be perfect, and more. This book will give you the clear path forward you’ve been looking for.

You’re Worth It: Navigating Your Career in Corporate America
by Ha-Keem Abdel-Khaliq
This new release will help you figure it all out. Ha-Keem Abdel-Khaliq is an accomplished speaker, author, and Associate Vice President in Human Resources. In his debut book, he explores the fundamental truths about working in corporate America and uncovers the critical insights that will position you for success across your career.

The Politics of Promotion: How High-Achieving Women Get Ahead and Stay Ahead
by Bonnie Marcus
When you’re trying to understand and navigate office politics to score that promotion you deserve, author, executive coach, and international speaker, Bonnie Marcus, will tell you everything you need to know in her book The Politics of Promotion. Bonnie will teach you why excellence and achievement are not enough to get ahead and how networking with power and intention can make all the difference. This book provides you with a proven method to become a bigger player in the workplace so you can avoid mishaps that can add years to your climb up the ladder.

What Next? Your Five-Year Plan for Life after College
by Elana Lyn Gross
If you’re just starting out in your career and need a plan for your future, this is the book for you. Journalist, Elana Lyn Gross, breaks down everything you need to know about how to navigate your career and life after college, including how to write your resume, interview tips, and more. She also dives into finances, wellness, and relationships, because we all know how important mental and financial health are to our work and life. Even if you’ve been out of college for a few years, this book is the survival guide you’ll wish you had when you graduated.

The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self Assurance – What Women Should Know
by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman
Journalists, Katty Kay, and Claire Shipman, dive into science to help us answer the question, “Does confidence come from our genes, or can we learn it?” They visit research from leading psychologists who explain how we can become more confident by taking action and courting risk. The book dives into interviews with women leaders as they examine how they have tapped into their confidence and how a lack of confidence impacts our leadership, success, and fulfillment at work. Becoming confident requires a choice, and this inspiring and insightful book will show you how to harness the power of confidence to become your best self.

Power Moves: How Women Can Pivot, Reboot, and Build a Career of Purpose
by Lauren McGoodwin
As CEO and Founder of Career Contessa, a career site built for women, Lauren McGoodwin teaches you how to harness power moves to actively guide the direction of your career. With real-life examples from successful women, a handbook filled with practical information and advice, and a foundational tool kit organized into four critical sections: self-care, relationships, career, and money, you’ll be able to develop a daily power moves habit to help you make big moves today.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear
by Elizabeth Gilbert
If you need to tap into your creativity to take your career to the next level, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert is a must-read. Gilbert offers insights into the mysterious nature of inspiration and asks us to embrace our curiosity. By discussing the attitudes, approaches, and habits we need in order to live our most creative lives, she gives us the wisdom we need to tap into our own creativity to conquer our next venture.

The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You
by Julie Zhuo
This book is the everything-you-need-to-know field guide to becoming an awesome manager, even if you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing. Julie Zhou is the Co-Founder of Inspirit and a former vice president of product design at Facebook. In her book, The Making of a Manager, she gives you the advice you need to know to gain your confidence as a manager and lead your team to new horizons.